Barons - Freyherrn
Coats of arms of Elgöw, Ellgöw, Eloköw, Freyenstein FH, Frienstein FH, Fryenstein FH, Krämberg FH, Rinckenberg FH, Ringgeberg FH, Schwanden FH, Strettlingen FH, Torberg FH, Trachselwaldt FH, Wartenberg FH, Wedischweil FH
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ElgöwFreyenstein FHKrämberg FHSchwanden FHTrachselwaldt FH
EllgöwFrienstein FHRinckenberg FHStrettlingen FHWartenberg FH
EloköwFryenstein FHRinggeberg FHTorberg FHWedischweil FH

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These ancient German Coats of Arms may have belonged to your ancestors. The Heraldic Crests are a colorful addition to your genealogy or family history.