Gentlemen and Barons - Herrn und Freyherrn
Coats of arms of Chollonitsch FH, Heusenstein FH, Joerger FH, Jörger FH, Koenigsberg FH, Königsberg FH, Künigsberg FH, Mamming FH, Meggaw FH, Mörs, Pollheim FH, Prag FH, Rogendorff FH, Thanrödl FH, Tschernemel FH
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Chollonitsch FHJörger FHKünigsberg FHMörsRogendorff FH
Heusenstein FHKoenigsberg FHMamming FHPollheim FHThanrödl FH
Joerger FHKönigsberg FHMeggaw FHPrag FHTschernemel FH

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These ancient German Coats of Arms may have belonged to your ancestors. The Heraldic Crests are a colorful addition to your genealogy or family history.